30 Day Sex Challenge I Attempted The Reddit Sex Challenge And It Was Hard

Are you ready to spice up your love life and deepen your connection with your partner? I recently embarked on a 30-day journey to intimacy and it completely transformed my relationship. From trying new techniques to open communication, this challenge opened up a whole new world of pleasure and closeness. If you're looking to take your intimacy to the next level, I highly recommend giving it a try. For more tips and tricks on adult friendship and connection, check out BuddyGay - your ultimate guide to adult friendship and connection.

As someone who has been in a long-term relationship for several years, I thought I had seen and done it all when it came to sex. However, when I stumbled upon the Reddit Sex Challenge, I was intrigued. The idea of committing to being intimate with my partner every day for 30 days seemed like an exciting and potentially transformative experience. Little did I know, it would be one of the most difficult challenges I have ever attempted.

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The Beginning of the Challenge

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When I first brought up the idea of the 30 Day Sex Challenge to my partner, I expected them to be just as excited as I was. However, they were understandably hesitant. We both lead busy lives and the idea of committing to sex every day for a month seemed daunting. After some discussion, we decided to give it a try, with the understanding that we would be flexible and understanding if we needed to skip a day here and there.

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The First Week

The first week of the challenge was exciting and invigorating. We both felt a renewed sense of intimacy and connection, and it seemed like the challenge was going to be a breeze. However, as the days went on, we both began to feel the pressure of keeping up with the commitment. There were days when we were both exhausted from work, or simply not in the mood, and it became increasingly difficult to muster up the energy to be intimate.

The Struggles

As the challenge progressed, we faced a number of struggles that we hadn't anticipated. There were days when one of us simply wasn't in the mood, and we had to navigate the delicate balance of respecting each other's boundaries while also honoring our commitment to the challenge. We also found ourselves falling into a routine, and it became increasingly challenging to keep things fresh and exciting in the bedroom.

The Benefits

Despite the difficulties we faced, there were undeniable benefits to the 30 Day Sex Challenge. Our communication improved, and we found ourselves talking more openly about our desires and needs. We also discovered new ways to be intimate with each other, and our connection deepened as a result. Additionally, the challenge forced us to prioritize our relationship and make time for each other, even on the busiest of days.

The End of the Challenge

As the 30 days came to a close, we both felt a sense of accomplishment and pride in what we had achieved. We had pushed ourselves out of our comfort zones and had grown closer as a result. However, we also felt a sense of relief that the challenge was over. It had been an intense and demanding experience, and we were both looking forward to taking a break and returning to a more relaxed and spontaneous approach to intimacy.


Looking back on the 30 Day Sex Challenge, I can confidently say that it was one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of my relationship. While it was difficult at times, it forced us to confront our own limitations and grow closer as a couple. I would encourage anyone in a long-term relationship to consider attempting the challenge, but with the understanding that it will require patience, flexibility, and a willingness to communicate openly with your partner.

In conclusion, the Reddit Sex Challenge was an eye-opening experience that pushed me and my partner to grow and evolve in our relationship. While it was undeniably difficult at times, the benefits far outweighed the struggles, and we emerged from the challenge with a renewed sense of intimacy and connection.